
If you’re like most busy women today, you wish you had more closet space for getting dressed. But in order to have a more spacious closet, you need to organize it so that you can get what you need quickly and get on with your......

With the rise in availability of DIY closet products, modular closets designed online, and easy closets at the click of a button, more and more individuals are taking on these projects because of the promise of savings and assurance of an easy closet installation. Often......

Your Next Home Renovation Project Should Be Your Closet When you’re tackling your next renovation project to increase your home’s value, don’t overlook your closets. Not only do custom closets make these spaces more usable and easier to organize, but they also make the house......

The organization of our homes impacts our stress and anxiety. Over the past twelve months, Marie Kondo has revolutionized the idea of how to create a harmonious space by eliminating objects that don’t “bring joy.” The popularity of this concept isn’t because of its unique......

The average American spends more than 30 minutes a day preparing food and cleaning up in the kitchen. The kitchen was once only used for preparation. Today, many homes and families use it as a place to entertain and eat. With so much activity flourishing,......

Getting your house organized is an epic journey if you don’t know where to start. We have a lot of tips on how to kick off the process. We’ll always recommend pursuing the project by working through it in chunks. So, take this list and......

The wardrobe lift is probably the best example of a product designed to benefit someone in a wheelchair or someone who has problems reaching up to access a hanger on a top rod. We have used this item extensively in retirement living situations....

A pull out tray in a base cabinet is a great way to improve the access to items stored deep and down low. Instead of bending down to your knees to see and reach something deep in the back back on a bottom shelf, you......

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